Installing GApps on Nokia X

Nokia X is an Android device released in 2014. People expected the device to be a flagship, for it officially marked Nokia's foray into the world of Android.
However, the device is far from being flagship. It lags behind in both the hardware and software aspects. The 1 GHz processor, 512 MB RAM and 2 GB ROM cannot handle even low strain games and apps. To make things worse, the device ships with the Nokia X Platform, a modified version of Android, which does not come with GApps inbuilt.
All this explains why the device did not sell well.
Well, this doesn't necessarily mean that one has to use the device as it is. A root exploit has been discovered, custom recoveries and ROMs have been developed, and there is a special GApps package available for the device.
Several websites mention that GApps can be installed by performing some complex operations using Root Explorer and a special GApps package created by someone called 'kashamalaga'. Of course, it may work [I haven't tried it], but I have devised a simpler way to flash GApps.


  1. A rooted Nokia X [RM-980] with atleast 60% charge -root using Framaroot or Kingoroot
  2. A PC with Nokia X ADB Drivers installed
  3. Nokia X Flasher
  4. A custom recovery [in my case, Lewa recovery]
  5. The GApps package [copy to SD card]


  1. Switch off your phone. Then boot into fastboot mode by pressing Power and Vol- buttons together for 15-20 seconds
  2. Connect the phone to your PC.
  3. Open Nokia X Flasher. It will look something like this.
  4. If the utility recognises your device, you'll see your device's ADB hostname along with the word 'fastboot' in the 'Log' area, as in the image above.
  5. Now select the recovery image [In this case, Lewa recovery]
  6. Now click on 'Start Flashing!'. The process will take a minute at the most.
  7. After this is done, click 'Reboot'.
  8. Now boot into recovery by pressing down on Power and Vol+ buttons. You'll see something like this.

  9. Select Install and navigate to the GApps zip file.
  10. Swipe to confirm install.
  11. After completion, wipe dalvik/cache.
  12. Then reboot device. You will slowly see some of the Google Apps in Launcher.
  13. Then open Play Store and Sign In to your Google Account.

Note: Initially the GApps may not appear in the Launcher. Please wait for sometime.


  1. Nokia GApps package:
  2. Nokia X ADB drivers:
  3. Nokia X Flasher:
  4. Lewa Recovery:
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